Sunday, January 23, 2011

So docile we've become the last 4 days

Literature dominates the combined consciousness of this wall of writers. Besides a spattering of personal insights and random moments brought on by procrastination or as it would seem, cabin fever syndrome- many of us are sitting out a arctic chill right now, manuscripts are being finalized and submitted. Boasting of pinning "The End" on WIP's are frequent blurbs and more impressive are the hopeful submissions and accepted contracts for fall releases. The bounce is back in the posts of our demure; books are always conceived and birthed when winter hits hardest. Just the way it is I guess. Gone are the long winded rants on social-political-religious topics. Absolutely missing! A few attempts at contention but from thousands of posts read, few regarded tempest as solace this week, most of us seemed to reflect on the inner self--- answers missing. While all the questions still remain, our refuge is in our work, whether or not that work is considered worthy. And it is that disregard for the meaning of worthy which describes best the difference between a writer, and those who simply write.
Click on the writers name to redirect to fb profile

Sirona Knight Author false identity
Vicki Thomas now we got to listen to them?
Sandra Stevens narcissistic intercourse
Daphne Grab ew with the mailman-
Brenna Lyons the elusive sucking answer
Leanne Banks sold book, fat chicken
Tameri Etherton a pen- e 4 ur thought
Marquis Dollar the burning cold
Delores Fossen top ten, roses from Harlequin
James Edwin Branch Aspiring to cheese it up
Jerri Hines good Idol, bad Idol
Deborah Riley-Magnus FaceBook confessions
Debra Kayn I'm no groupie
Writers Guild handwritten or moronic babble
Beth Ciotta 4 book deal!
Regan Taylor Dead at 96- a lost icon.
Zona Crabtree fb app virus warning
Regan Taylor creepy peepers asking for pics
Karyn Gall Hippen NATIONAL NEWS
Loretta Wheeler the writers coffin
Laura Elvebak another The End!
Antoinette Johnson we need a fb pokorgy
Candace Havens dating husband
Carrie Anne King to leave or not to leave-
Linda Ballard bout time- score one for Christians