Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wall Posts- all in memory of a bad day

It was a bad day. Lost my cool, wrote my words, felt compelled regardless of opposition to push the envelope of culpability. We know who, and why he did it. We know one side blames the other, I blame both- but the one thing I won't blame is the right to voice any opinion. And that is where the trouble lies. It has already been purposed that hate speech and radical discourse push this poor boy into action. It's the words. It's the gun. He's a victim. Why not him? He did it on his own accord. Period. Must we be bullied into verbal submission afraid of tipping these kinds? All shut up in fear of some one lunatic might take offense at WORDS?
We must teach our children the oldest adage of responsible behavior- back to your youth folks:

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.
An adolescent truth no longer in fashion. Words kill now- not bullets. This idiot most likely has been taught words kill and thus the need of retaliation.
I apologizes for my spillage of emotion, but not for the implied intent of those words. I stand behind how I feel and what I say.
The below posts are all in memory of this dreadful day. Click the writers name for full posts and blogs.
Craig Murray (It was a fire fight and nasty. My fault most likely.)\
Toni McGee Causey Absolutely horrible... first post 8 hours ago
Michael Harris Early reports Congresswoman died
Toni McGee Causey confirmation of error, she's in surgery
Simon Wood Hateful ignorant public comments
Marci Baun not okay to shoot someone over a disagreement
Antoinette Johnson glad they got the shooter post 7 hours ago
Jennifer Diaz Elano Thoreau madness is all around us
Jim Marrs Anarchy!
Peter Kling anything change today?
BJ Wheeler I'll never understand
Belladonna Bordeaux Prayers
Louis Turi The Tea Party did it to him
Author Steven Clark Bradley Day of mourning
John Burroughs shooting outside Tucson
Mara Buck a poem about the heaviness of today
Kelli Scott a do over today
Cliff Jackson Congresswoman Prayer Page
Wolf Blitzer tagged in post

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