Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Rambling Babblings

Time to settle in for the coming wrath, not from God, but from social and political chaos spinning like hurricane Irene but slowly dieing out only to become yet another cloud in the sky. The important word there is "to become", until then we are... we is churning.
There are overriding themes or flock-style attributes here in fb-land which are accentuated by anonymity and access to an audience-whether imaginary or real. It's either; echo, echo, echo. or it's not. As writers, do we care? I think not. Each of us are driven to be read. That's the connection. We write to be read. And by that trait we behave as a flock. Even the ugly duckling had feathers. So, as Birds of a Feather, here's some fb traits and trends.
1st Books are being written, published and are selling.
2nd People are divided by loyalties to certain political parties.
3rd The gotcha angle in religious debate is common banter.
4th See # 3, also for social & political gaffs.
5th Traps are set for comment-section fire-fights= word wars.
6th All emotions are expressed: Happiness, sadness, boredom, anger, hate, love -loathing...
7th Politically Correct language does not exist.
8th Some people get offended and block or are blocked/ most enjoy the openness and fight-on.
9th It doesn't matter who you are or what you have, there are no environmentalists on face
book- There only can be environmental hypocrites. (high-tech takes enormous corporate, natural and environmental toxicity to allow this to be read by you- right now. So, you know. )
10th Everyone in here, on this wall, excluding a few, claim to be a writers.
11th Everything read is read as fiction, even with facts, if it's written by a writer- it's embellished one way or the other.
12th The international equation adds perspective otherwise abandoned to the imagination. Disasters, war, famine, revolt, death- to many in here, our imagination is their reality.
13th Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me! The un-recited oath all true writers must live by. From Twain, to Harris- Words can be a sword or wet noodle, it depends on the ears which hear them.

That's it. Until December of next year, the world will ebb and flow through turbulent times and here in fb-land those currents will be as wild as any other public forum. Knowing now that we're all one flock; real good, real bad, real ugly, but still birds of a feather, just write from the heart the things you think- chances are someone in here will be thinking just like you.

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