Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prophecy- Why I had to write it.

This story is about a single life and things to which that life have been exposed, and due to that exposure this book, if to call it that, is about those things.

I was forced to reexamine certain events in my life which prior I had simply accepted as coincidence, and/or insignificant. After studying many accounts of individuals, who also, after experiencing phenomenal things, were compelled to write about those "things", I too will attempt to scribe similar accounts.

While it would be comforting to have company of those who were compelled, it would be greater if one of them, were alive today, so to stay my hand from writing, thus enjoying the "eat, drink and be merry" existence we all are living. But I can not. And I can not because of this poem I wrote in 1973:

Death is an oblivion

or so it may seem,

but still there are flowers and people who sing.

So when death comes your way,

do not be afraid,

for life and death

is just another way.

With that poem came the notion, or precognition, that I would die when I was between twenty-six and twenty-eight years of age. In 1983 I died! I was twenty-seven. After I came back to life, so to say, all that was revealed or written in the poem, has come to pass.

A second premonition was told to me by a mysterious man during my coma and death. If it should come to pass, be it good or bad, all of us are in for an awakening of some kind. Since the first precognition was true and happened, it might just be,... that the second,... is also true,... and might come to pass.

Intermixed between those two dates, 1973 and 1983, are series of events, which to most people, would seem extraordinary. To me they seem extraordinary. Is it ordinary to be bombarded with extraordinary things?

I chose to chronicle these events by writing an autobiography. Chronologically written, so in the future, if anyone tried to disprove these accounts, they could pull my military and medical records finding an accurate account of time-periods and people, documents and testimonials which would validate my claims. Not all, but most.

Why I write is not for monetary gain, for if to write and it sells, that is coincidence. I write as a chore being fulfilled without any expectations. This was inspired by two occurrences:

The first was in Germany after a revelation one night. It resulted in a military labor strike I initiated leading to a mutiny charge and threat of a firing squad. However, I was within my legal rights, but reassigned to a post called the “rock” as a 90/50 gunner in a Mobilize Infantry Battalion.

The second, in another extraordinary event during my "death", for which the message was quite queer and laden with an unknown, but impending consequence for humanity. The outcome of that extraordinary encounter is this book, I think, implied by the man in the light I met during my death who said, “Write”.

My first finished book I wrote just months after I became alive again, was entitled, “The Timelessness of Man." It was about the end of "all" on this planet. This, right after a coma, was on my mind, so I wrote a fictional story of how it will end. That short book has never been read.

This book, A Prophecy Fulfilled, is a story of one prophesy coming true, and one not yet fulfilled. The life of my death is two stories.

Both occurrences resulted in actions by me, which were not planned. I didn't plan on disrupting an entire Army post in Germany. l didn't plan on writing books. I didn't plan on having not one, but many unexplainable spiritual and physical encounters. I didn't plan on disappearing for an hour and a half off the top of a mountain. I didn't want to die. And I really wish I didn't write! But I have to.

This book is about someone, me, who, through extraordinary events , both physically and spiritually, has had to come to an understanding and conclusion, that, “WE”, are not alone in existence and that this “NOT ALONE” is whom we call GOD.

Through the ages there have been people like me: People who wrote and fell prey to ridicule and scorn until after they were dead. Then, after things came to pass, or found to be true, they, and their writings were heaped onto the pile of... “THAT WAS REALLY STRANGE."

Knowing only to well that I myself am heading that way... to that pile, I will go ahead and complete this story. This book is a witnessed and truthful testimonial, spanning twenty-four ( at this posting it will be 37 ) years of writing about oddities which have no explanation, and you, whomever you may be, can watch by reading.

To understand the book, you must know me, to know me is to know how I became me, and if that helps validate God, or our understanding of coincidence, fate, and spirituality, then I write this book for you.

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