Monday, January 24, 2011

7 hours- pure book talk

Sliding down the posts I realized there is a whole lot of positiveness in this field of writers. Whether or not the cash flow equals the euphoric uplift is questionable- but as for output, we lack nothing as a group. Novels are being released, e-books in high demand, contests won or entered, conferences are being planned, speakers chosen, cover art created- bustling keypads Batman- Writers are invading! The posts below are primarily highlighting lit-pub. Lit- what?
Click on writers name to redirect to their profile page
Brit Writers submission requests
Stacey Kennedy new release
John Dunn Smith AWP eating guide
Sandra Sookoo due out in April
Cheryl Kaye Tardif an excerpt
Casey Crow erotic debut
Kate Pearce featured in Romantic Times
Mick Rooney Writers Digest entering the pub biz
Cheryl Kaye Tardif out in March
Chantal Boudreau test readers
Kai Strand still time to vote
Merrie Destefano 2012, N.O, here I come
John Dunn Smith new story
Shelley Munro interview and give-a=way
Abeena Paige 13 min trailer
Kevin Brian Wright release next month!
Tara Maya seeking flash fiction
Shelley Munro cover art and done. Out next month

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